
Our Lady of Fatima – Hollywood

Our Lady of Fatima presidium was established in Saint Colmcilles Parish Hollywood on the 29th of July 1981.

We meet every Tuesday at 7pm in Gartan house, beside parochial house. Our meetings last approximately one hour. We welcome new members and invite you to join us in our work as part of our privileged organisation, there are eight legionaries in our Praesidium at present, and we are continuously seeking new members.

What is the work of our Legion?

We are actively involved in our parish community, carrying out our legionary duties under the guidance of Our Blessed Lady. We make home visits, targeting the sick, the lonely, the bereaved, the lapsed, parents with new born babies in short, all those parishioners, who make up the living body of the Church.

We visit the nursing homes, care homes, and housebound, bringing the Eucharist to all those who are sick and infirm. We lead our parishioners in the rosary at the beginning of all the weekday Holy Masses, and we organise Saturday adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 12 noon until 5 pm, a legionary attending on a rota basis, ensuring there is a constant presence in the Church with the Blessed Sacrament

We support our primary school children in their sacraments, and we promote the rosary and Adoration , for P4 and  P7, providing short classes in the church to develop reverence, knowledge and understanding.

Our Legion is available and active presence in the Parish. You are invited to come and join us.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, and guided by Our Blessed Lady, may we continue to be an army and a strength where we are needed most.

Contact number: 07751 844985