
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Praesidium – Castlewellan

Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Praesidium Castlewellan meets weekly on Monday Mornings at 10:00am in the Kilmegan Parish Centre, adjacent to St Malachy’s Church, Castlewellan, BT31 9DH. If you might be interested in joining, or would like to find out more about Our Lady’s work in our praesidium (parish group), you are most welcome to join us any Monday morning. 

The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work. The unit of the Legion of Mary is called a praesidium, which holds a weekly meeting, where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion. 

The members neither collect money nor give out money or material relief. The members are dedicated to engaging with all the parishioners with the objective of building up and strengthening a welcoming, dynamic, Christian community in the parish. 

Each legionary carries out one duty each week in addition to their attendance at the weekly meeting. The duties we currently undertake are as follows: 

  • Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary at the Grotto each Thursday at 2:00pm for Peace
  • Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary before the Week Day Masses
  • Door to door visitation. We promote Miraculous Medals by going door to door and offering the sacramentals (for free). We distribute Rosary Leaflets and ask families to pray the Rosary for Peace. We inform people about the Mass Times and encourage people to go to Confession and explain the importance of our Catholic Faith.
  • Fatima Statue Visitation. We bring the Fatima Statue to the home in the Parish and use this as an opportunity to promote Family prayer. We ask Families to recite the Rosary and ask them to invite their Family and Friends to Join them
  • Home Visits. We visit the Housebound and people who are isolated, bringing them some friendly and warm conversation and prayer
  • The Legion Stand: Legionaries volunteer to Work at the Legion Stand either in Newcastle or Downpatrick or Castlewellan. Legionaries offer miraculous medals, devotional literature and other Catholic books and information, every Saturday. The duty typically starts at 11:30am to 2:30pm

We have found that membership of our Legion of Mary praesidium has helped us in a number of ways, hopefully as a primary we have grown in holiness through our membership, and we have also gained many friends, as our faith-based community grows all the time. It is important to surround ourselves with other people who are striving for holiness, and enjoy good company and good craic. The Legion of Mary is a great way for the laity to achieve these things. Come join us! 

For further information, contact Martin at 07766232938 or Aveen on +44 7923486282.

Again, please feel free to join us any Monday morning. Just arrive around 09.50am at the Kilmegan Parish Centre, St Malachys Church Castlewellan. God Bless!