Immaculate Heart of Mary Praesidium Newcastle
Immaculate Heart of Mary Praesidium Newcastle meets weekly on Tuesday mornings at 10.30 am in Parish Centre 14 Main St, Newcastle BT33 0AD.
If you are interested in joining or would like to find out more about the work, we do in our parish you are most welcome to join us any Tuesday morning after 10.00 am Mass.
The members are dedicated to engaging with all the parishioners with the objective of building up and strengthening a welcoming, dynamic, Christian community in the parish. Each legionary carries out one duty each week in addition to their attendance at the weekly meeting. Some of the duties we currently undertake are as follows:
- Legionaries volunteer with the legion stand in Newcastle and Downpatrick on Saturdays
- Visit Nursing Home’s
- The Flame of Love Cenacle
- Ministers of the Eucharist
- Member on the Baptism Committee
- Lead a prayer service on Wednesdays and Saturdays
- Bereavement Ministry
- Circulate three Fatima Statues within the Parish
- Distribute Miraculous Medals to the children making their First Holy Communion and Confirmation in the four local primary schools
- Visit the Sick in hospital
- Recite the Rosary before morning weekday Masses
Membership of the Legion of Mary is a great way to develop and strengthen our Catholic Faith by been sounded by like minded people striving for holiness and the desire to share the Good News with everyone.
The Legion of Mary is a great way for the laity to achieve these things. Come join us!
Name of Praesidium: Immaculate Heart of Mary
Time of meeting: 10:30 am every Tuesday in the Parish Centre
For further information, contact Rose at 07796204998
Again, please feel free to join us any Tuesday morning. Just arrive around 10:30am at the Parish Centre, Main Street Newcastle. God Bless!